The Adult Asperger's Self-Report Index (AASRI)

Take the Survey About the Survey Survey Statistics

If you'd like to help validate this survey, please take these other surveys (links provided) and give your total scores in the boxes below. This information will be very helpful in comparing the usefulness of the surveys. This isn't required and you can take the survey below without providing anything in these boxes.

Cambridge (Baron-Cohen) Asperger's Quotient (AQ) (here)
Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised (RAADS-R) (here)
Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Abbreviated (RAADS-14) (here)

Statistically Useful Information

These fields are required

Biological Sex
Age Range
I have been diagnosed with an ASD.
I think I might have an ASD, but no diagnosis.
I have no reason to think I have an ASD.
   I understand that my responses on this form may be used for statistical purposes. (No contact or other personal information will be asked. You will never be contacted about this survey.)
   This is NOT my first time taking this survey.

When responding to the items below, please remember that becoming better at dealing with features of Asperger's/ASD does NOT mean that you are uneffected. If you've overcome an issue you had in childhood, think about how much time and effort it took to overcome.

AASRI Survey Items
False True
1. I'm often unsure of what someone means when they exaggerate.
2. I'm much more comfortable watching or listening to things that I already know I like.
3. I have to try to match the pace, tone, or volume of my voice to what I'm trying to say.
4. I experience the brightness of lights differently than most of the people around me.
5. I have to meet someone several times before I start remembering their face.
6. I have a hard time ignoring things when I try to ignore them.
7. I've often had intense fascinations that are hard to share with my peers.
8. I'm really uncomfortable when pressed by certain articles of clothing (e.g. socks, belts, bras, etc.).
9. There are certain movements that I find myself doing or feel compelled to do (tics).
10. It's hard to stop thinking about something once I've gotten into it.
11. I've often been unsure about how far away I should be from someone when talking or walking together.
12. I experience the textures of fabrics or foods differently than most of the people around me.
13. I sometimes find myself repeating some sounds or words from the last thing I said without thinking about it.
14. I tend to get deeply committed to learning about a topic of interest to the exclusion of other topics for a while.
15. I often don't know how I should stand, move my hands, or express with my face when other people are watching.
16. It often seems like my emotions are much more or much less intense than most of the people around me.
17. I have a stutter that I can't always control.
18. I often bother people by talking excessively when I know a lot about something.
19. I'm often unsure of when other people would think lying is normal.
20. I experience the loudness of sounds differently than most of the people around me.
21. I'm often unsure of what someone means when they say something sarcastic.
22. When my routines are interrupted, it's very stressful finding a new way to navigate the world around me.
23. I have to try to regulate eye contact.
24. I experience some smells differently than most of the people around me.
25. I have to meet someone several times before I start remembering their name.
26. I have a hard time returning to a task after being distracted.
27. My real friendships are few, but very deep.
28. I experience the tastes of foods differently than most of the people around me.
29. I sometimes find myself repeating some sounds or words from the last thing SOMEBODY ELSE said without thinking about it.
30. I'm much more comfortable eating and drinking the things that I already know I like.
31. I'd much rather be alone than be around people who don't already understand me.
32. I experience temperature differently than most of the people around me.
33. I often fidget with things to help me focus.
34. I often focus on something so much that I stop noticing other things around me.
35. I really hate having to keep a conversation going with someone I don't really know.
36. If someone's going to touch me, I would prefer a firm touch. Light touch feels "creepy."

The AASRI survey is released to the public domain.